If you would like to support the work of Haywards Heath Baptist Church, you can do this through a number of ways:
Standing Order / Bank transfer:
CAF Bank Account
Haywards Heath Baptist Church
Account Number: 00030106
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Alternatively, You can also give to the work of HHBC by credit and debit card via the church’s Stewardship account:
If you pay income tax, please consider filling in a Charity Gift Aid Declaration (pdf version / word version) and return it to This will enable HHBC to claim a tax refund on your giving.
We have also set up ‘Give as you Live’ to support the work of the Church. All you need to do is register - click on the link below, select HHBC as your nominated charity and always go to the Give as you Live page first before you start any online shopping:
If you have any questions, please either speak to our treasurer, James Perrett or email the Finance team at