In the ancient world, the best sort of mirrors available were made from polished bronze, and they were highly prized even though (by modern standards) they only provided a dim reflection.
We read in v.8 that one group of women donated their mirrors in order to make the bronze basin in the Tabernacle. This sacrifice is singled out: all the other gifts of precious metals are referred to in vv.24-31, with no mention of who gave what.
I wonder whether God was particularly pleased with the way those women chose to give their mirrors. And I wonder how the women felt in the years that followed as they saw the basin being used by the priests.
It must have cost them something which was more than financial. Perhaps for those women it symbolised that they were no longer going to worry about their own glory - their priority was now the glory of God.
Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice made by God for us. We remember that in Christ he gave up the glory of heaven and took upon himself the shame of the cross - in order to release us from shame and to give us the hope of glory. Our salvation came at a price which was more than financial:
It was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. (1 Peter 1:18-19)
For reflection and prayer
- What is the most valuable thing you have?
- What is the most valuable thing God had?
- How valuable are you to God?
- How valuable is God to you?