A few weeks ago I preached on vv.14-15 of this chapter, which say:
'The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.' Then the LORD said to Moses. 'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.'
These words were spoken to the people of Israel as they were in a panic. The armies of Egypt were behind them and the Red Sea was in front of them. I felt, and still feel, that vv.14-15 were words for me personally and for HHBC at the current time. They present us with two aspects of what it means to trust God, which we need to learn to hold in balance:
- We need to be still. (Other translations say 'be quiet' or 'be at peace'.) We need to trust God to win the battles for us. We need to recognise that we are powerless to do much about most of the things which really matter, and we need to learn to hand those things to God. That's easier said than done, but it's not just advice - it's a command from God to his people.
- We need to move on. Being still is not an excuse for being passive and lazy. Being still before God is an attitude of mind which will then result in us taking specific steps forward in obedience to God. We are to keep walking, taking the next step as he reveals it to us - which in the case of the Israelites meant stepping down onto the sea-bed.
What do these twin aspects of faith look like in your life, and in our church life today? How can we make sure that we stand and allow God to fight for us? How can we make sure that we move on in obedience to him?